piątek, 10 maja 2019

Getting started with Openshift v4 - part 1 - Installing on AWS

We've just announced release of new Red Hat Openshift 4, which will be available in a few weeks. However if you are interested in trying Openshift 4 eariler there is already beta version available for you. Please refer to Openshift 4 documentation for more details. 

Openshift 4 installation is currently possible only on AWS, vSphere and bare metal. Support for other platforms including Azure, GCP, OpenStack, Red Hat Virtualization will follow in subsequent minor releases within next few months.

I gave first try to install Openshift 4 on AWS with Installer Provisioned Infrastructure which means installer installed for me Openshift 4 cluster nodes as well as the platform itself.

I must admit this has been very pleasant experience. I had to only set up my AWS account, and register or transfer internet domain at Route53. The rest has been done automatically by the installer.

After about 30 mins I had my cluster of 3 masters and 3 worker nodes up and running.

What is equally important (a least for me) it was also very straightforward to uninstall the cluster using the same installer. In fact I've already installed and uninstalled the cluster a couple of times without any issues.


In part 2 I'll share my experience with Openshift 4 installation on vSphere so stay tuned...

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