środa, 9 grudnia 2020

Backup and restore your database running in OpenShift

In this post I'll show you how to implement backup solution for your database running as container in OpenShift. I'll use AWS S3 as storage for my backups and PostgreSQL database as an example.

First I've create following cron job in my OpenShift project which is executed daily at 2 AM:

apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: landmarks-db-backup
  schedule: "0 2 * * *"
          activeDeadlineSeconds: 1800
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
          - name: backup-maker
            image: quay.io/jstakun/pg-backup:0.2
            - /bin/bash
            - /opt/backup/do_backup.sh
            - configMapRef:
                name: pg-backup-conf
            - name: POSTGRES_PASSWORD
                  name: landmarksdb
                  key: database-password
            - name: POSTGRES_USER
                  name: landmarksdb
                  key: database-user
            - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
                  name: aws-creds
                  key: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
            - name: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
                  name: aws-creds
                  key: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

This cron job is referencing aws-creds secret where I store my AWS S3 access keys, landmarksdb secret where I store my PostgreSQL database credentials and pg-backup-conf config map where I store other required env variables:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: aws-creds
type: Opaque

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: landmarksdb
type: Opaque
  database-password: ...
  database-user: ...

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: pg-backup-conf
  POSTGRES_DB: landmarksdb
  POSTGRES_HOST: landmarksdb
  S3_BACKUP_PATH: s3://my_backups/landmarksdb

My cron job is using container image quay.io/jstakun/pg-backup:0.2 which contains all the tools I need to execute backup and store it at AWS S3 bucket: pg_dump, bzip2, mcrypt and aws cli. Here is pg-backup image definition:

FROM registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl/postgresql-96-rhel7

ENV BACKUP_HOME=/opt/backup


USER root

RUN yum install -y https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm && \
    yum install -y mcrypt bzip2 && \
    curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip" && \
    unzip awscliv2.zip && \
    ./aws/install && \
    rm awscliv2.zip && \
    rm -rf ./aws && \
    yum clean all && \
    rm -rf /var/cache/yum && \
    mkdir -p $BACKUP_HOME && \ 
    adduser -g 0 -c "Backup user" -p backup backup 

COPY ./do_backup.sh $BACKUP_HOME

RUN chown -R backup:root $BACKUP_HOME && \
    chmod +x $BACKUP_HOME/do_backup.sh && \
    chmod g+rw $BACKUP_HOME

USER backup 

Here you can find the latest pg-backup container image definition. In this container image definition I'm referencing following do_backup.sh bash script: 

cd /opt/backup
export DUMP_FILE=pg-backup_`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`.sql
echo '--- running pg_dump ---'
pg_dump -v -d $POSTGRES_DB -U $POSTGRES_USER -h $POSTGRES_HOST --encoding=UTF-8 > $DUMP_FILE
echo '--- running bzip2 ---'
bzip2 $DUMP_FILE
echo '--- running mcrypt ---'
echo '--- running aws s3 ---'
aws s3 cp ${DUMP_FILE}.bz2.nc $S3_BACKUP_PATH/$DUMP_FILE.bz2.nc
Here you can find the latest backup script definition including AWS SES integration for sending email notificatons. 

In order to copy backup file to AWS S3 bucket you'll need to create AWS account and assign appropriate policy to it:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

In addition for optional AWS SES integration for sending email notifications following policy will be needed:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:096851829459:identity/admin@mydomain.com"

That's it! Now you can check backups are stored in your AWS S3 bucket daily.

In order to restore the database you can follow following procedure from your workstation:

1. Install AWS CLI 

2. Download backup file 

$ mkdir /data/install/landmarks && cd /data/install/landmarks

$ aws configure --profile=s3 

$ S3_BACKUP_PATH=s3://my-backups/landmarksdb

$ DUMP_FILE=pg-backup_20201203_141724.sql.bz2.nc


3. Install mcrypt and bzip2. You can check my container definition file above for commands how to install these tools from EPEL repository.

4. Decrypt and uncompress backup file

$ mcrypt -d $DUMP_FILE
#passphrase: ...

$ bzip2 -vd pg-backup_20201203_141724.sql.bz2

5. Copy backup file to destination database container

$ oc project landmarks

$ DB_POD=$(oc get pods | grep landmarksdb | awk '{print $1}') && echo $DB_POD

$ oc rsync /data/install/landmarks $DB_POD:/var/lib/pgsql/data

6. Import backup to the database

$ oc rsh $DB_POD

sh-4.2$ psql -d landmarksdb < /var/lib/pgsql/data/landmarks/pg-backup_20201203_141724.sql

sh-4.2$ rm -rf /var/lib/pgsql/data/landmarks/

In order to backup and restore data to other Database Management System you can follow pretty much the same procedure and simply replace pg_dump tool with other backup & restore tool suitable for your Database Management System.


piątek, 13 listopada 2020

Choose right application for containerization

While working with customers quite offen I come across the challenge of selecting the best application candidates for containerization and OpenShift onboarding. 

To solve this challenge typically I take following path:

1. First we create with the client wide list of applications they think will benefit from the containerization from business or technology perspective.

2. Secondly we use Pathfinder tool to determine an applications suitability for running on OpenShift/Kubernetes.

Here is typical application assessment flow:

Application assessment filled for each analyzed application


Architect review to give final application assessment

Application landscape report to visualize application migration suitability

3. Moving forward we use Migration toolkit for Applications (MTA) to analyze source code of selected applications to determine what needs to be changed in the application code and how much effort this will require. 

Here is typical appllication code analysis flow. Screenshot are taken from CodeReady Workspaces IDE with installed MTA Visual Studio Code extension:


Git clone application source code and run report

Analyze generated report: effort estimation


Analyze generated report: issues list

Fix the issues in your favourite IDE

piątek, 2 października 2020

Verifying container images signatures in OpenShift 4 part 2

This post is an follow up to my previous post on the same topic. This time I'd like to show you how you can configure OpenShift 4 to verify container images signatures signed using custom gpg keys. 

When you sign your image with your gpg key you need to remember to store signature on the registry server (web server) which will be accessible from OpenShift cluster worker nodes.

When you sign your image using skopeo i.e:

$ skopeo copy --sign-by jstakun@example.com  registry.redhat.io/rhscl/httpd-24-rhel7:2.4 quay.io/jstakun/httpd-signed:2.4

image signature will be saved by default in subdirectory of /var/lib/atomic/sigstore. You need to make sure this signature is copied to registry server (web server) with the same directory structure.

Once this is done you can follow this steps to verify image signature:

1. Create base64 encoded /etc/containers/policy.json file:

$ cat << EOF | base64
  "default": [
      "type": "insecureAcceptAnything"
          "": [{"type":"insecureAcceptAnything"}]
          "registry.redhat.io": [
              "type": "signedBy",
              "keyType": "GPGKeys",
              "keyPath": "/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release"
          "registry.access.redhat.com": [
              "type": "signedBy",
              "keyType": "GPGKeys",
              "keyPath": "/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release"
          "quay.io/jstakun/httpd-signed": [
              "type": "signedBy",
              "keyType": "GPGKeys",
              "keyPath": "/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/jstakun-pub"

2. Create base64 encoded /etc/containers/registries.d/redhat.yaml file 

$ cat << EOF | base64
    sigstore: https://access.redhat.com/webassets/docker/content/sigstore
    sigstore: https://access.redhat.com/webassets/docker/content/sigstore

3. Create base64 encoded /etc/containers/registries.d/httpd-signed.jstakun.quay.io.yaml file. This is where you need to set the url of your registry server (web server) hosting your images signatures.

$ cat << EOF | base64
    sigstore: http://my-web-server.example.com:8000

4. Create URL encoded file containing your gpg public key exported using following command:

$ gpg --output pubring.asc --armor --export jstakun@example.com

5. Create machine config object in your OpenShift 4 cluster using output of the above commands as files contents source values like in example below.

$ echo "---
apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker
  name: 20-image-signature-verify
      version: 2.2.0
      - contents:
        filesystem: root
        mode: 420
        path: /etc/containers/policy.json
      - contents:
          source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,ZG9ja2VyOgogIHJlZ2lzdHJ5LmFjY2Vzcy5yZWRoYXQuY29tOgogICAgc2lnc3RvcmU6IGh0dHBzOi8vYWNjZXNzLnJlZGhhdC5jb20vd2ViYXNzZXRzL2RvY2tlci9jb250ZW50L3NpZ3N0b3JlCiAgcmVnaXN0cnkucmVkaGF0LmlvOgogICAgc2lnc3RvcmU6IGh0dHBzOi8vYWNjZXNzLnJlZGhhdC5jb20vd2ViYXNzZXRzL2RvY2tlci9jb250ZW50L3NpZ3N0b3JlCg==
        filesystem: root
        mode: 420
        path: /etc/containers/registries.d/redhat.yaml
      - contents:
          source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,ZG9ja2VyOgogIHF1YXkuaW8vanN0YWt1bi9odHRwZC1zaWduZWQ6CiAgICBzaWdzdG9yZTogaHR0cDovL2VjMi0xMDctMjEtMjQ3LTQ3LmNvbXB1dGUtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tOjgwMDAK
        filesystem: root
        mode: 420
        path: /etc/containers/registries.d/httpd-signed.jstakun.quay.io.yaml
      - contents:
          source: data:,-----BEGIN%20PGP%20PUBLIC%20KEY%20BLOCK-----%0AVersion%3A%20GnuPG%20v2.0.22%20%28GNU%2FLinux%29%0A%0AmQENBF86aMQBCACfv0qeej1rLW9wQKSmSjDcALqZW6wz23at6l%2FD2lLlMOuZSns2%0A4YwZL0mV61j5gfr5D7vk40KMhmcu0jfHeth9TeEMCptFkAXMoY%2Boec8Dz%2Bp0YBuj%0A53ff36VbUjpGa%2BocX32yfTtG9Ez8rc%2BjQxbe1ecZEgVhi41Z7xZmXxR4MkX1YThp%0A%2FofSnULtVhvk1jV43s1ZOwcloe1iNIM8mq185tP67ZBeaLvHIFKiXFOP0w%2F19Jjb%0AhkzUMlaw2ggXVylDA2GVVKw0QJ3iMdt4i%2Fx8DlRFqRsa7Vrrryg08n0fTB4ZyvxB%0AGGJarUliJaavFDORbkA58XougJsT8d5RIaDxABEBAAG0JEphcm9zbGF3IFN0YWt1%0AbiA8anN0YWt1bkByZWRoYXQuY29tPokBOQQTAQIAIwUCXzpoxAIbAwcLCQgHAwIB%0ABhUIAgkKCwQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJEP3YZiiMOKUTUwUH%2F3%2BiRlZk1idLk1tntGSg%0AaO4CvhSz8dlC%2Bt062ccPMYVXOgLv%2FCfI8gwpYmLKMieZLeJVlWN7gTuwsFSlAdqn%0AWKBm1JA2MsJ08b0jtYOG6xMKeScLgim0zX%2BdoK8ljrB4%2FvijsW7Vk5ykcyxDogK0%0AOyPAGD%2FNQUFfUsPFFdaMOGaxhpswh1VKZQ0NL67hAi2tASsufr3FdgF3%2B0ELSKQB%0A9gX4thaBN5wOYNUZlLXbGRipxi%2BrcksgaQj0DMUaqRMWpfRXrbTnimCrr0cNvr%2Bf%0AdFljfbkjoL4VXCUics%2BdpKpj3iEDOJBTBkAy84nQExNfh1nJJlrVsnfHVx%2FM9czF%0A3VC5AQ0EXzpoxAEIAK40kfShcTxrR7QljNBrAywaSflgrKOT9DXv22%2FXvo0wHSPc%0AfVkzWkaCwH7%2F4P4WOMpZfhr1QKw8GA3jvn7zJ1m4zVwe9UZsmPPQR8pCRtuelpb%2B%0A1O6LhOjNbqc58rgFsV95ZcSQoJV%2BSK3HLKjUyzzHgby%2BOPmOIuj5kNHg9juAcAwH%0A%2FAKrIhPV5Kvpxo334ZgmZAgAdEuPKtRcpsW62YU0i9nlaR82eWMj6mxk0KEpVxww%0AGleke2mFvroW1RegADJta78W6wvxZpQgi9D%2B9lZgr5jlm0Q%2F05egYcAHve4hB4vw%0AJNSuNMUtaxo7bpf4sNavSHLanWbeIkAhtgndrH0AEQEAAYkBHwQYAQIACQUCXzpo%0AxAIbDAAKCRD92GYojDilE%2BD2B%2FwJUkBfBlzlVgMZ1ahXnQzRzU%2B3h8pSlQcVeaD5%0AgNfdOmVHd0KYZUhHsoY4uJqa590Spl3JJL72%2BG5U2qFo4gO49TZS18dPExPIFFJ8%0AsHukXbjuHXfEVBOUuU9OkBna2d1A61RswigfNXFao39Hvzudg7zQLeN%2B59mZsnKO%0AAFuFxPdY9F9xMf2%2F5%2FLdK5M%2BwBfl%2BjS0ca0I5IV32vKJjEJpbnlKfyblULDuSjsC%0Ag4snOoO0JiqM4KnmFm0la7VjXQ4hU7NdCCT4pimDLyG4Q%2FbYPcYiMVFTZX%2F6uxeI%0AlHHwH%2FPenLgSxyeWSw6bdwy1zyav%2BxUPA22T49a7eLRAEGuG%0A%3D07nQ%0A-----END%20PGP%20PUBLIC%20KEY%20BLOCK-----
        filesystem: root
        mode: 420
        path: /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/jstakun-pub
" | oc create -f - -n openshift-config
This should trigger automatically rolling upgrade of your worker nodes. You should see worker nodes being restarted one by one in rolling fashion. You can also check if your Machine Config Pool is in updating status. Please refer to my previous post for more details on how to do that.      

In order to test whether images signatures are verified I recommend to run podman on one of your OpenShift 4 cluster nodes:

$ podman --log-level debug run --rm --name test quay.io/jstakun/httpd-signed:2.4

In the output of this command you should see that before image is pulled image signature is downloaded and verified.


czwartek, 3 września 2020

Verifying container images signatures in OpenShift 4

In this article, I’ll demonstrate how to configure a container engine to validate signatures of container images from the Red Hat registries for increased security of your containerized applications. 

Images are signed using gpg keys hence you need to make sure public keys are stored on OpenShift 4 worker nodes. Fortunetally Red Hat images are signed with the same key as RHEL rpm packages, so the key is already present on worker nodes at /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release. Furthermore images signatures are exposed on publically available registry server: https://access.redhat.com/webassets/docker/content/sigstore

Configuring Linux container tools to only run container images that pass signature checking is a two-step process:

  1. Create a YAML file under /etc/containers/registries.d that specifies the location of detached signatures for a given registry server.
  2. Add an entry to /etc/containers/policy.json that specifies the public GPG key that validates signatures of a given registry server.

In order to create or modify this files in OpenShift 4 worker nodes you'll need to create machine config containing this files in base64 encoded format:

$ cat << EOF | base64
  "default": [
      "type": "insecureAcceptAnything"
          "": [{"type":"insecureAcceptAnything"}]
          "registry.redhat.io": [
              "type": "signedBy",
              "keyType": "GPGKeys",
              "keyPath": "/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release"

$ cat << EOF | base64
    sigstore: https://access.redhat.com/webassets/docker/content/sigstore
Using the base64 content of the above commands you can create machine config:

echo "---
apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker
  name: 10-redhat-image-signature-verify
      version: 2.2.0
      - contents:
        filesystem: root
        mode: 420
        path: /etc/containers/policy.json
      - contents:
          source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,ZG9ja2VyOgogIHJlZ2lzdHJ5LmFjY2Vzcy5yZWRoYXQuY29tOgogICAgc2lnc3RvcmU6IGh0dHBzOi8vYWNjZXNzLnJlZGhhdC5jb20vd2ViYXNzZXRzL2RvY2tlci9jb250ZW50L3NpZ3N0b3JlCg==
        filesystem: root
        mode: 420
        path: /etc/containers/registries.d/redhat.yaml
" | oc create -f - -n openshift-config
This should trigger automatically rolling upgrade of your worker nodes. You should see worker nodes being restarted one by one. You can also check if your Machine Config Pool is in updating status. Please refer to my previous post for more details on how to do that.
If you want to verifiy signatures of images signed with custom gpg keys the procedure will be a bit more complicated. First you'll need to sign the image using custom gpg key i.e. using skopeo copy --sign-by command, then you must store signature on custom registry server (web server), and finally define machine config similar to the above but with custom gpg public key file included (output of gpg --output pubring.asc --armor --export username@email). 
This is a great topic for yet another post!



poniedziałek, 15 czerwca 2020

Monitoring Quarkus microservice with built in OpenShift Monitoring stack

This post is follow up on my previous post about Quarkus microservices monitoring. This time I'll use built-in OpenShift Monitoring stack (Prometheus and Alertmanager) instead of installing project specific monitoring stack.

1. First we'll deploy to OpenShift 4 Quarkus microservice container which is based on following example source code.
$ oc login -u developer

$ oc new-project quarkus-msa-demo

$ oc new-app quay.io/jstakun/hello-quarkus:0.2 --name=hello-quarkus

$ oc expose svc hello-quarkus
2. In order to be able to monitor your own application services we need to enable this feature in OpenShift

2.1 Login as cluster admin
$ oc login -u kubeadmin

$ echo "---
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: cluster-monitoring-config
  namespace: openshift-monitoring
  config.yaml: |
      enabled: true
" | oc create -f -
2.2 Verify if user workload monitoring stack is running
$ oc get pod -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
prometheus-operator-744fc6d6b6-pkqnd   1/1     Running   0          2m38s
prometheus-user-workload-0             5/5     Running   1          83s
prometheus-user-workload-1             5/5     Running   1          2m27s
3. Create monitoring role and grant this role to developer user so that he can create application specific Prometheus Service Monitor
$ echo "---
kind: ClusterRole
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
  name: monitor-crd-edit
- apiGroups: ["monitoring.coreos.com"]
  resources: ["prometheusrules", "servicemonitors", "podmonitors"]
  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch", "delete"]
" | oc create -f -

$ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user monitor-crd-edit developer
4. Create Prometheus Service Monitor which instructs Prometheus operator to deploy exporter scarping metrics from Quarkus microservice
$ oc login -u developer
$ echo "---
apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
kind: ServiceMonitor
    k8s-app: prometheus-example-monitor
  name: prometheus-example-monitor
  namespace: quarkus-msa-demo
    - interval: 5s
      port: 8080-tcp
      app: hello-quarkus
" | oc create -f -
4.1 Now we'll call Quarkus microservice to quickly check if metrics are collected by Prometheus
$ ROUTE=$(oc get route -n quarkus-msa-demo | grep hello-quarkus | awk '{print $2}') && echo $ROUTE

$ while true;
curl $ROUTE/conversation
do sleep .5;
4.2 You can open OpenShift Web Console, login as developer user and go to Metrics tab in Developer Perspective under Monitoring View. In order to verify if metrics are collected you can create following example custom query: application_org_acme_quickstart_ConversationService_performedTalk_total

Alternatively you can also use command line:
$ TOKEN=$(oc sa get-token grafana-operator -n quarkus-msa-demo) && echo $TOKEN
$ URL=$(oc get route thanos-querier --template='{{.spec.host}}' -n openshift-monitoring) && echo $URL
$ METRIC=application_org_acme_quickstart_ConversationService_performedTalk_total

$ curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" https://$URL/api/v1/query?query=$METRIC

 4.3 At this point you can also create example Alert rule

$ oc apply -f conversation-service-highload-rule.yaml

After some time (5 minutes in this example rule) you can check whether alert is firing in OpenShift Web Console using follwing custom query:
ALERTS{alertname="ConversationHighLoad", alertstate="firing"}

You should also be able to find this alert in Alertmanager UI

5. Finally let's install Grafana and create Quarkus microservice Grafana Dashboard to visualize metrics stored in Prometheus

5.1 We must install Grafana Operator version 3.2+. As for now Grafana operator version 3.2+ is unavailable in OpenShift Operator Hub. Hence we'll install the operator manually from github:
$ oc login -u kubeadmin

$ oc project quarkus-msa-demo

$ oc create sa grafana-operator
$ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-monitoring-view -z grafana-operator

$ oc create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/integr8ly/grafana-operator/master/deploy/roles/role.yaml
$ oc create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/integr8ly/grafana-operator/master/deploy/roles/role_binding.yaml

$ oc create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/integr8ly/grafana-operator/master/deploy/crds/Grafana.yaml
$ oc create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/integr8ly/grafana-operator/master/deploy/crds/GrafanaDataSource.yaml
$ oc create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/integr8ly/grafana-operator/master/deploy/crds/GrafanaDashboard.yaml

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/integr8ly/grafana-operator/master/deploy/operator.yaml
$ sed -i "s/grafana-operator:latest/grafana-operator:v3.3.0/g" operator.yaml
$ oc create -f operator.yaml

$ oc get pods
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
grafana-operator-6d54bc7bfc-tl5vw   1/1     Running   0          5m29s
5.2 Create example Grafana deployment
$ oc create -f grafana-deployment

$ oc expose svc grafana-service
5.3 Create Grafana DataSource
$ TOKEN=$(oc sa get-token grafana-operator) && echo $TOKEN

$ echo "---
apiVersion: integreatly.org/v1alpha1
kind: GrafanaDataSource
  name: prom-grafanadatasource
  namespace: quarkus-msa-demo
    - access: proxy
      editable: true
        httpHeaderName1: Authorization
        timeInterval: 5s
        tlsSkipVerify: true
      name: Prometheus
        httpHeaderValue1: >-
          Bearer $TOKEN
      type: prometheus
      url: >-
      isDefault: true
      version: 1
  name: my-prom-datasources.yaml
" | oc create -f -
5.4 Create example Grafana Dashboard
$ oc create -f grafana-dashboard.yaml
5.5 Test Grafana Dashboard.

Get Grafana route url:
$ echo http://$(oc get route | grep grafana | awk '{print $2}')
Login with default credentials: admin/admin and navigate to Conversation Service dashboard where you should see visualized metrics collected from Quarkus microservice.

czwartek, 9 kwietnia 2020

Processing Kafka topic with OpenShift Serverless service in 10 steps

In this post I'll describe how you can easily process Kafka topic messages using Serverless service in OpenShift 4.

1. First you'll need to install Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams, OpenShift Serverless, Knative Eventing and Knative Apache Kafka operators. 
Please refer to OpenShift documentation on how to install operators using either OpenShift Web Console or oc command line interface.
In essence you'll need to login to the OpenShift cluster with cluster-admin credentials and install all 4 operators cluster wide.

If you want to install this demo quicky you can use this helm3 chart otherwise follow step by step instruction below.

2. Let's create project for our demo
$ oc new-project streams-serverless-demo
3. Create Kafka cluster using AMQ Streams Operator

Go to the list of installed operators available in the project created above and
Click on Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams

Click on Create Instance link in Kafka box

You can keep default settings and click on Create button. Wait until Kafka cluster is up and running.

4.  Create Knative Eventing Kafka from Knative Apache Kafka Operator

Come back to list of installed operators and click on Knative Apache Kafka Operator.

Click on Create Instance link in Knative components for Apache Kafka box

Make sure to set bootstrapServers value to the name of your Kafka cluster bootstrap service. For default configuration this will be 'my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092'. Click Create button.

5. Create Kafka topic from AMQ Streams Operator

Come back to list of installed operators and click on Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams. Click on Create Instance link in Kafka Topic

You can keep default settings and click on Create button

6. For testing purposes create Kafka Bridge from AMQ Streams Operator

Come back to list of installed operators and click again on Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams. Click on Create Instance link in Kafka Bridge

Make sure to set bootstrapServers value to the name of your Kafka cluster bootstrap service. For default configuration this will be 'my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092'. Click Create button.

Before moving forward this is good time to send test message to Kafka topic
$ oc expose svc my-bridge-bridge-service
$ ROUTE=$(oc get route | grep my-bridge | awk '{print $2}')  && echo $ROUTE

$ curl -X POST $ROUTE/topics/my-topic -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json' -d '{"records": [{"value": "hello from shadowman"}]}'
You should get following response:
7. Create Knative Serving from OpenShift Serverless operator in knative-serving project

Please refer to OpenShift documentation on how to create Knative Service configuration.

8. Create Knative Service which will consume Kafka topic data

Come back to your project and create Serverless service
$ oc project streams-serverless-demo
$ cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Service
  name: myknativesink
        autoscaling.knative.dev/target: "1"
      - image: quay.io/jstakun/myknativesink:0.1
          - name: EVENT_PROCESSING_TIME
            value: "random:10000" 
            memory: "50Mi"
            cpu: "100m"
            memory: "50Mi"
            cpu: "100m"
            path: /healthz
            path: /healthz
9. Create the KafkaSource that connects Kafka topic to Serverless service.

Make sure to set bootstrapServers value to the name of your Kafka cluster bootstrap service. For default configuration this will be 'my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092'.
$ cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: sources.knative.dev/v1alpha1
kind: KafkaSource
  name: mykafka-source
  consumerGroup: knative-group
  bootstrapServers: my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092
  topics: my-topic
    apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: Service
    name: myknativesink
10. Finally generate stream of events published to Kafka topic and consumed by Serverless service
$ ROUTE=$(oc get route | grep my-bridge | awk '{print $2}') && echo $ROUTE
$ while true;
curl -X POST $ROUTE/topics/my-topic -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json' -d '{"records": [{"value": "hello from shadowman"}]}'
do sleep 0.5;
You should see Serverless service is scaled up and down depending on the traffic

Many thanks to Burr Sutter for inspiring demo!

czwartek, 19 marca 2020

Monitoring Quarkus microservices using Jaeger, Prometheus and Grafana in OpenShift 4

In this post I'll describe how you can easily create Quarkus microservice using Java Microprofile standard apis which will be traced and monitored by Jaeger, Prometheus and Grafana and all components will be deployed in OpenShift 4.

1. First we'll build and deploy to OpenShift 4 Quarkus microservice container which will be based on following example source code.

If you don't want to build Quarkus microservice container image yourselves you can deploy container I've already built in advance:
$ oc new-project quarkus-msa-demo

$ oc new-app quay.io/jstakun/hello-quarkus:0.2 --name=hello-quarkus

$ oc expose svc hello-quarkus
Now you can jump to section 1.3
1.1 Compile native Quarkus microservice application
$ git clone https://github.com/jstakun/quarkus-tracing.git

$ cd ./quarkus-tracing
In order to build native Quarkus image you'll need to setup your machine as per Quarkus documentation.
$ ./mvnw package -Pnative
1.2 Build and deploy Quarkus microservice container image to OpenShift
$ oc login -u developer

$ oc new-project quarkus-msa-demo

$ cd ./target

$ oc new-build --name=hello-quarkus --dockerfile=$'FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal:latest\nCOPY *-runner /application\nRUN chgrp 0 /application && chmod +x /application\nCMD /application\nEXPOSE 8080'

$ oc start-build hello-quarkus --from-file=./tracing-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT-runner

$ oc new-app hello-quarkus

$ oc expose svc hello-quarkus
1.3 Now you can call your Quarkus microservice and check what endpoints are exposed:
$ ROUTE=$(oc get route | grep hello-quarkus | awk '{print $2}') && echo $ROUTE
$ curl $ROUTE/hello
$ curl $ROUTE/bonjour
$ curl $ROUTE/conversation
$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" $ROUTE/metrics/application
$ curl $ROUTE/metrics (in newer Quarkus use /q/metrics)
$ curl $ROUTE/health/live (in newer Quarkus use /q/health/live)
$ curl $ROUTE/health/ready (in newer Quarkus use /q/health/ready)
1.4 Optionally you can define readiness and liveness probes for your Quarkus microservice container using /health endpoints:
$ oc edit dc hello-quarkus

       - image:
             path: /health/live
             port: 8080
             scheme: HTTP
           initialDelaySeconds: 5
           timeoutSeconds: 2
           periodSeconds: 5
           successThreshold: 1
           failureThreshold: 3
             path: /health/ready
             port: 8080
             scheme: HTTP
           initialDelaySeconds: 5
           timeoutSeconds: 2
           periodSeconds: 5
           successThreshold: 1
           failureThreshold: 3
Please refer to ReadinessHealthCheck and SimpleHealthCheck java classes source codes for example implementations of health checks.

2. Now let's configure Quarkus microservice tracing with Jaeger followed by monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

2.1 First you'll need to install Jaeger, Prometheus and Grafana operators. 

Please refer to OpenShift documentation on how to install operators using either OpenShift Web Console or oc command line interface.
In essence you'll need to login to the OpenShift cluster with cluster-admin credentials. Jaeger operator could be installed cluster wide, and Prometheus and Grafana operators should be installed in project where Quarkus microservice has been deployed.

2.2 Let's deploy Jaeger instance and enable tracing for our Quarkus microservice

Go to the list of installed operators in your project

Click on Jaeger Operator

Click on Create Instance link in Jaeger Box

Click on Create button at the bottom and wait for a while until Jaeger pod is up and running. 

Operator will create Jaeger Collector service (exposing port 14268) which needs to be called by Quarkus microservice. Jaeger Collector endpoint is defined in application.properties configuration file. You can overwrite it's value with QUARKUS_JAEGER_ENDPOINT environment variable in Quarkus microservice deployment config configuration.
$ COLLECTOR=http://$(oc get svc | grep collector | grep -v headless | awk '{print $1}'):14268/api/traces && echo $COLLECTOR
$ oc set env dc/hello-quarkus QUARKUS_JAEGER_ENDPOINT=$COLLECTOR
If you want to access Jaeger web UI you'll need to expose Jaeger query service using secure Route with Re-encrypt TLS Termination (you don't need to add custom certificates to the route definition). 

If you experience following error during Jaeger web UI authentication: "The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.", make sure to name Jaeger route the same as route name specified in jaeger-ui-proxy service account, which you can check with following command:
$ oc describe sa jaeger-ui-proxy | grep OAuthRedirectReference

Now you must call Quarkus microservice for couple of times with i.e. curl $ROUTE/conversation and you should see traces collected in Jaeger web UI.

2.3 Now let's configure Prometheus to collect metrics generated by our Quarkus microservice

Go to the list of installed operators in the project and click on Prometheus Operator. Next click on Create Instance link in Prometheus box

Change namespace in alertmanager settings to namespace name where Prometheus will be deployed. We'll configure Alertmanager later in section 2.5

Wait until 2 Prometheus pods will be up and running and come back to Prometheus Operator page. Click on Create Instance in Service Monitor box

Modify spec configuration as per example below. Make sure to configure properly selector and port name.
    - interval: 5s
      port: 8080-tcp
      app: hello-quarkus

In order to access Prometheus web UI you'll need to expose Prometheus service
$ oc expose svc prometheus-operated
Now you should call Quarkus microservice for couple of times using i.e. curl $ROUTE/conversation and you should see metrics scraped by Prometheus in web UI. For example enter following metric name into query text area: application_org_acme_quickstart_ConversationService_performedTalk_total

Please refer to Quarkus documentation and ConversationService java class source code for more details on how to enable metrics in Quarkus microservices.

2.4 Finally let's configure Grafana to visualize metrics collected by Prometheus

Go to the list of installed operators in the project and click on Grafana Operator. Next click on Create Instance link in Grafana box

You can keep default settings and click on Create button

Wait until Grafana pod is up and running and come back to list of installed operators and click on Grafana Operator.
It happend to me Grafana Operator failed to provision Grafana instance with following error: no matches for kind "Route" in version "route.openshift.io/v1". In this case you need to change Grafana instance ingress to false in yaml configuration, and expose Grafana service manually:
$ oc expose svc grafana-service
Next click on Create Instance link on Grafana Data Source box

You only need to change url to point to Prometheus service which has been created earlier and click Create button

Now you can either login yourselves to the Grafana and create your own dashboard or you can use sample dashboard I've created for you.

Come back to list of installed operators and click on Grafana Operator and click on Create Instance link on Grafana Dashboard box

Copy & paste example dashboard yaml file content. This dashboard is expecting defined Prometheus data source named "Prometheus", so make sure at this point your Prometheus data source name is correct and click Create button.

Finally you can open Conversation Dashboard in Grafana

2.5 Optionally we can also configure Prometheus Alertmanager to manage alerts

Go to the list of installed operators in the project and click on Prometheus Operator. Next click on Create Instance link in Alertmanager box.

For testing purposes you can change number of replicas to 1 and click Create button

In order to run Alertmanager pod you'll need to create alertmanager secret as per Prometheus operator documentation. Check events in the project to verify what is the expected secret name.
$ oc create secret generic alertmanager-example --from-file=alertmanager.yaml
At this point you need to make sure alertmanager Prometheus configuration matches Alertmanager service name and port name.
$ oc get svc | grep alertmanager

$ oc edit prometheus
    - name: alertmanager-operated
      namespace: quarkus-msa-demo
      port: web
When Promtheus and Alertmanager are connected you can create sample Alert Rule. Go to the list of installed operators in the project and click on Prometheus operator and click on Create Instance link in Prometheus Rule box.

Copy & paste example rule definition and click Create button.

In order to get this rule fired you'll need to call $ROUTE/conversation endpoint at least 30 times and wait for 10 minutes.

In the meantime you can find this rule in Prometheus web UI

Finally after rule gets fired you should see it in Alertmanager web UI (of course if you exposed it with oc expose svc)

Congratulations! You've successfully configured Quarkus microservice monitoring with Jaeger, Prometheus and Grafana.