When using Openshift oc command line tool you might want to connect to multiple Openshift clusters over the time. In order to easily switch between different clusters you can use oc config context subcommands.
$ oc login -u admin http://my_aws_cluster
$ oc config rename-context $(oc config current-context) aws
and second one for Openshift Online Pro cluster:
$ oc login -u my_oso_user https://api.pro-us-east-1.openshift.com
$ oc config rename-context $(oc config current-context) oso
Now we've got 2 oc contexts aws and oso. Contexts are saved in kubeconfig file (typically ~/.kube/config). You can check what contexts are currently set in your environment using command:
$ oc config get-contexts
You can switch between contexts using oc config use-context command. For example let's switch to oso context:
$ oc config use-context oso
Now we can check what is our current user and project we are in:
$ oc whoami && oc project -q
You can find more subcommands to manage contexts using command:
$ oc config --help
Context management commands will work in oc command line tools for both Openshift 3 and Openshift 4 versions.